Zakat is a religious tax and an act of worship to please the God Almighty.
According to Rakiya Ibrahim (2000), :
The idea behind zakat “is to purify wealth and enhance its redistribution within the society and to prevent its hoarding.”
Certain categories of people are eligible to receive zakat:
👍the poor,
👍the needy,
👍new converts,
👍zakat officials
👍and those that fight in the cause of God).
The types of assets that are subject to zakat are not specified.
Mohammed B. Sadr have a point of view according to this matter that “instances of zakat and Nisb [exemption limit] and their amount in each period are determined by ijitihad with regard to the condition of time and place” (Taheri, 2000, quoted from Sadr, 1994: p.237)Reference: Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Kutluğhan Savaş ÖKTE, FUNDAMENTALS OF ISLAMIC ECONOMY AND FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE (2010), Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, Winter-200 V.9 Is.31
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